Miyerkules, Mayo 22, 2013


CP: 09175075899

1.  Prevention and removal of obstruction of the arteries without surgery (“tanggal bara walang opera”) in the heart, brain /stroke, legs/ extremities, kidneys.

2.  STEM CELL THERAPY. Our Physician is a founding member of the Phil Society of stem cells medicine formed by the Phil Med Assoc. Our method is non invasive, affordable and cost effective. Our focus is on regeneration of damaged brain/stroke, heart, liver kidneys. We make a customize protocol. 

3.  CANCER prevention and treatment “Curing the incurable” by Dr. Kelly’s method in combination with other methods or processes. We make customized protocol.

4.  Prevention and Control / cure of diabetes and hypertension.

5.  Prevention and treatment of “inevitable recurrence of heart attack, fatal arrhythmia and congestive heart failure in the majority of those who had bypass and angioplasty”. Prevention and recurrence of stroke.

6.  Longevity of  Medicine – Prolongation of life with quality customize protocol.

7.  LIVER cleanse and removal of “stones in the liver” without surgery. Explanation of protocol to be given on evaluation. It’s an essential preventive health practice.

8.  Treatment / cure of hepatitis b c d to prevent cirrhosis and cancer of the liver.  And to avoid refusal by manning agency to work abroad.