Miyerkules, Enero 23, 2013

A Collection of Published Papers Showing the Efficacy of EDTA Chelation Theraphy

“The Effect of EDTA Chelation Therapy Plus Supportive Multivitamin-trace Mineral Supplementation Upon Renal Function: A Study in Serum Creatinine.”

Abstract: One of the alleged contraindications to the use of EDTA is possible renal damage. Three hundred and eighty-three (383) subjects with chronic degenerativedisorders were treated with EDTA and supportive multivitamin –trace mineral supplements for approximately 50 days. Overall, the fasting serum creatinine levels declined (P<0.05). Specifically, those with relativity low initial serum creatinine levels increased; those with relatively high, but generally felt to be within the physiologic range, levels declined; those in the area approximately 1.0mg/dl (the supposed ideal in terms of renal clearance) remained unchanged. Hence it would appear, within the limits of study of this, that is therapeutic regimen is not nephrotoxic. There is even a suggestion that this treatment procedure may improve kidney function.
-Journal of Holistic Medicine 1982

“The Effect of EDTA Chelation Therapy Plus Supportive Multivitamin—Trace Mineral Supplementation Upon Renal Function: A Study in Blood Uera Nitrogen”
Abstract: One of the alleged contraindications to the use of EDTA is possible renal damage. In an earlier report, it was shown, as judged by serum creatinine, that EDTA was not only not nephrotoxic but in fact may well improve kidney function. This report underscores that conclusion through a study of BUN.
-Journal of Holistic Medicine 1983
“The Effect of Intravenous Disodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA) Upon Bone Density Levels”
Abstract: Sixty-one routine patients were studied in a general practice environment following approximately three months of routine therapy included EDTA treatment. The evidence indicated that regardless of sex there was no decrease in bone density readings following EDTA therapy and in fact in those patients who had some degree of osteoporosis there was a slight but statistically significant improvement in bone density readings. These results seem to indicate that rather than a negative effect on bones EDTA therapy might in some cases be beneficial to bone growth.
-Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1988
“Effect of EDTA Chelation and Supportive Multivitamin/Trace Mineral Supplementation on Chronic Lung Disorders: A Study of FVC and FEV
Abstract: Thirty-eight subjects with chronic degenerative disorders were treated with intravenous infusions of disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). These patients were evaluated objectively for maximum expiration lung volumes before and after EDTA chelation. Each subject had 30 treatments over a period of approximately 9 months. Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) inceased an average of 12.1% (p<0.001) and Forced Expiration Volume in one second (FEV1) increased an average 12.8% (p<0.010). Patients with lung disorders increased 18.9% (p<0.001) in FVC and 20.8% (p<0.05) in FEV1. Overall, 34 of the 38 subjects (90.5%) improved in pulmonary function after EDTA infusions.
-Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1989
A Nonsurgical Approach to Obstructive Carotid Stenosis Using EDTA Chelation
Abstract: Thirty subjects with atherosclerotic vascular disease were treated with 3 gram intravenous infusions of disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). These patients were evaluated objectively for both right and left internal carotid atheromatous stenosis at the bifurcation, before and after EDTA chelation. Each subject had treatments over a period of approximately 10 months. Overall intra-arterial obstruction decreased 20.9± 2.3% (t=8.921, p <0.001*). Subjects with greater than 33% [ie statistically +1 σ) above initial mean obstruction, experienced a reduction in stenosis of 35.00 ± 4.3% after treatment (t=8.178, p<0.001*, n=16). [*Statiscally significant change comparing the difference of the means.]
-Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1991
Noninvasive Treatment for Sequellae of Failed Coronary Blood Circulation: 100% Occlusion of Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery, 30% Stenosis Right Coronary Artery, and Left Ventricular Contractility Deficit
Abstract: Following a myocardial infarction, a symptomatic 59-year old male Cuacasian was found by coronary arteriography in 1990 to have 100% closure of the left arterial descending coronary artery and 30% stenosis of the right coronary artery. His left ventricle was hypokinetic and exhibited dilation and abnormal contractility. He refused coronary artery bypass surgery and angioplasty because of risk and instead chose the non-traditional ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelation therapy. The disease process, as seen by comparing pre- and posttreatment arteriograms in 1990 and 1992, respectively, has been significantly reversed.
-J Neurol Orthop Med Surg 1993
Visual Field Evidence of Macular Degeneration of Reversal Using a Combination of EDTA Chelation and Multiple Vitamin and Trace Mineral Therapy
Abstract: A 59 year-old white, partially disabled female partially disable female patient presented with a history of visual field defects and a diagnosis of Ma-Dot-Fingerprint dystrophy. Examination further revealed retinal changes associated with moderate macular degeneration. The patient was treated with a combination of intravenous chelation therapy, using a series of 3 gram infusions of ethylene diamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) and multivitamins and trace minerals. After treatment, patient’s visual field defect improved. Her vision was restored 20/25 in the right eye and 20/20 in the left eye and the quality of her central macular vision was greatly enhanced as measure othoperimetry. The patient remains symptom free with restored vision one year later.
-Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1994

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