You will never get a favorable endorsement from conventional invasive or non-invasive meds specialist practitioner about CV CHELATION. Talk to either a chemistry and molecular medical professors and you'll get an affirmative endorsement. Interview patients undergoing treatment. Ask the doctor for scientific basis of methods being used to you and the proof of how and why it it a permanent or just a temporary solution?
Ask what are the basis of the diagnostic test being advised or will be done to you. (For your information angiogram the alleged gold standard is very unreliable--ask for research proof.) Ask why anti-cholesterol statins derivatives can increase death rate from heart disease, cancer severe infections, diabetes, kidney disease etc. As for recent scientific proof why diet, high in cholesterol, high saturated fat is good instead. In one school of thought with their own researches, yours truly, believes that animal fat which are high in saturated fat is not good for the body in particular the arteries because it increases the Prostaglandin A2 which constrict the blood vessel, thicken the blood, and induce swelling or inflammation. The extreme of not having fats and oil at all as advocated by some like those of Chip may be detrimental to health. The body needs essential oils (essential fatty acids) and polyunsaturated oil. What must be avoided are transfat which are easily produced from polyunsaturated oil which are non heat resistant oil like olive oil, palm oil, corn oil, soy bean oil, sun flower oil, etc. The safest heat resistant oil is coconut oil which also has the advantage of having Lauric acid which increases the immune system similar to that of the first milk of the mother called colostrum. Polyunsaturated oil like olive oil is good for salad but with care if used for cooking. Another thing to avoid is hydrogenated fat which is margarine. In the production of margarine, even if the oil is of plant source the bombardment by hydrogen atom produce a semi solid fat which is hydrogenated fat. Both transfat and hydrogenated fat are foreign and are not recognized by the body and report has it that may cause arteriosclerosis, cancer, and other maladies.
Ask why cholesterol is not a culprit according to many independent non-pharmaceutical sponsored driven researches. Ask why not all chelation are the same. Ask your doctor what is the scientific basis of the method of treatment being used to reverse (not simply control) the causes of chronic degenerative diseases like coronary heart disease, schemic stroke, schemic leg disease, schemic kidney disease or nephrosclerosis (for your information, by-pass surgery and angioplasty has no science-nothing is removed).
PATIENTS, it is your life that's at stake. Search for the truth. There's so much media to learn from. There's truism in PREVENTIVE medicine that says: "Education is prevention and prevention is education." Note: We are against method and deception not on the physicians or pharmaceutical companies.
"the adult heart, hypertension, diabetes & stroke clinic
that treats on the molecular & cellular level."
Location: Unit 105 Taft Office Centre Condominium, 1986 Taft Avenue,
near Buendia LRT station, Pasay City, Philippines
For questions and inquiries, please call the ff #s:
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